Category Archives: About WCLC


On Friday, February 22nd, 2019, the YWCA of Central MA signed the first Community Benefit Agreement with the Worcester Community-Labor Coalition.

The YWCA stands by what it believes and is putting their words into action by making this public affirmation of commitments with our partners;

  • 100% woman lead construction management team
  • 100% livable wage jobs with benefits
  • Placing diversity guidelines on the contractors and subcontractors working on their $24 million renovation project with hiring goals for women, people of color, apprentices and Worcester County residents.

The YWCA is committed to only hire responsible contractors; businesses that maintain accredited apprenticeship programs and pay workers a living wage that includes benefits.

“With the signing of this agreement, the YWCA is pledging to our members and to the community that we will be placing hiring guidelines on the contractors and subcontractors hired for the renovation of the Salem Square YWCA that create real and achievable goals for the hiring of women, people of color, apprentices and Worcester County residents on this project.” – Linda Cavaioli, YWCA Central MA Executive Director

“This is a great step for Worcester. We’d like to see this happening more in Worcester. By working together, we’re not only fulfilling the mission of the YWCA but also the long fought after union goals of creating good jobs for our members. Ultimately, Worcester is a better place when we commit to investing in our workforce.” – Brian Brousseau, President Worcester-Fitchburg Building Trades

“We are proud to have the YWCA create a model for a union-community partnership which uses its construction project to both improve and expand their facility while also benefiting the community through creating good, living-wage jobs with benefits and apprentice opportunities that benefit local residents and people often left out of construction projects, women and people of color. We hope to see this example replicated by other community minded businesses and organizations in Worcester.”

Frank Kartheiser, Worcester Community Labor Coalition Co-Chair

Future Focus Media Co-op Coverage:

WoMAG Coverage:

WoMAG Article: “YWCA signs first community benefit agreement in Worcester history”


Worcester News Tonight Coverage:

The Worcester Community Labor Coalition

The Worcester Community-Labor Coalition (WCLC) works to have a voice in the economic development plans of Central Massachusetts, especially for low-income communities and people of color. Coalition members understand that labor and community interests are the same.  A trained workforce with access to good jobs is a vital component of any vibrant community. Good jobs are safe, they provide family sustaining wages and benefits, and they offer opportunities for advancement and career development.


Photos by Kevin Ksen